Chris Towle
Computational Craftsman
'Solve et Coagula', to dissolve and coagulate.
Car Sales Web Crawler
Purpose: To create a web crawler to parse three unique sites for relevant data
I was tasked with creating a web crawler to assist a car dealership. Using provided log-in credentials, the crawler would gather the target data and dump it to a central database.
Technologies Used
Languages: Python, MySQL
Dual Core Linux PC.
Software Technologies:
Used threads to run parallel crawlers, with roughly 9900 cars (full spec + images) crawled per hour. With an eight core computer this could be bumped up to a theoretical 39600 cars per hour.
A huge improvement in performance was achieved by using an alternative Python interpreter (PyPy), this alone gave a 5x performance gain.
Numerous techniques were used to get past each site's quirks, such as Header Spoofing, Cookie Spoofing, and Session Time overrides.
LEMP Stack Web Server
Purpose: A home server to aid in web based projects
Technology: LEMP stack (Linux Nginx MySQL PHP)
To allow remote system access and home automation, I created a locally hosted web server. This system is capable of ftp, web hosting, SSH control and acts as a general purpose lab for testing.
You are currently communicating with it.
Flash Projects
Here are a few working examples of my previous work
Three Stone Studios, Interactive Booklet: Layered gradients were used to create the illusion of bending and depth. The feel of the page movement was an important aspect for my client.
No Homes for Gnomes: Was developed under a 48 hour time restraint at the Toronto Indie Jam (T.O.Jam). I acted as an AS3 programmer and game play designer. This version has not been modified since the 48 hour release.
Chris Towle
Phone: 519-613-8008
Resume | Portfolio | The Extra Mile